3 Things to Do Right After an Accident

The Law Office of Scott M. Schweiger specializes in personal injury auto accidents, slips, falls, and all manner of personal injury cases. We know what it takes to successfully bring a claim to resolution. Because we can’t stand the thought of innocent people missing out on legitimate claims, we’re sharing three best practices to help yourself and your attorney:

1. Seek Medical Treatment ASAP

Delaying treatment can compound problems and complicate recovery. In addition, the amount of time between the accident and your first appointment will be reviewed by the insurance company as part of their evaluation. If the time seems conspicuous or would allow for problems to become unnecessarily worse, it could impact your claim.

2. Describe all Ailments

Whether you are at the Emergency Room or seeing your General Practitioner, be sure to list all of the ailments you are suffering from on forms, when speaking with the admitting nurse, and in conversation with your doctor. It’s easy to overlook something in the midst of a stressful situation, so start by evaluating your head and evaluate each part of your body, all the way to your toes. Are you suffering from headaches, vision problems, ringing in the ears, pain or numbness? Is your neck stiff or in pain? Even if something seems minor, it is still worth mentioning. The insurance company will thoroughly examine the notes in your medical file and raise issue with conditions that are mentioned in the subsequent appointments, but not the first visit.

3. Follow Directions

You may be advised to seek physical therapy or testing, take prescription medications, or attend follow up appointments. Failure to comply with the instructions given by your doctor could lead to a rejection of your claim. At each appointment, list the ailments that are still affecting you, as well as any new developments, using the head to toe method described above. Some issues may seem to worsen while others get better. These are important details to your case.

Our office will do everything we can to advocate for you and obtain adequate compensation for your injury. The tips above will go a long way towards building your claim, but they are no substitution for sound legal advice based on your specific situation. Please feel free to contact our office if you have suffered an injury and we will help you receive the compensation that you deserve.
